(520) 322-5773


MicroMineral Room

2015 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®

February 12 -15, 2015

MicroMineral Room - located in the Galleria of the Tucson Convention Center


A new experience was added to the 2014 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show ™.  In collaboration with the Annual Arthur Roe Memorial Micromount Symposium, a full-time MicroMineral Room was added.  This room up on the Galleria level provided a place for mincromineral collectors to gather and trade, share, and purchase micromineral specimens.  The enthusiastic response convinced the volunteers that the room should be continued as an integral part of the Show.  An interactive educational exhibit was well received by young and old alike.

The club will be hosting the room again for the 2015 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®. There will be microscopes setup in the room through the duration of the Show, except during the Arthur Roe Memorial Micromount Symposium.  Some of the members will have microminerals for sale and there will be lots of giveaway micromineral material available to either start or enhance your micromineral collection.


Last year there was non-stop activity in the room.  There were kids getting their first experience to long time collectors. There was a friendly atmosphere and there was always something to look at.  If you need a break from all the hustle and bustle of the show, come over to the micromineral room and take a look through the scope.

Photos by: Ron Gibbs