(520) 322-5773


TGMS Field Trip - Spectrum & Prism Mines
9:30 AM09:30

TGMS Field Trip - Spectrum & Prism Mines

FOR: TGMS Members Only

DATE: Saturday, March 29, 2025, to Spectrum & Prism Mines
TRIP LEADER: Doug Reif is leading this trip, email -
douglasreif@gmail.com, phone - 304-641-0199.
TIME: Meet at 9:30 a.m. SHARP!

COLLECTING:  Fluorite, amethyst & wulfenite.

TGMS Members - To RSVP for this trip and to fill out the TGMS Field Trip Release Form, go to the TGMS HUB: LOGIN
For further information on this field trip, contact the
TGMS office, 520-322-5773, tgms@tgms.org.

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TGMS General Meeting & Lecture
7:00 PM19:00

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

PLACE: 3727 E. Blacklidge Drive
TIME:  7:00 p.m. – Tucson, Arizona Time
WHEN: Monday, April 7, 2025

LECTURE:  "Tombstone, Tawdry Tellurates from the Town Too Tough to Die” - From Boot Hill to the 400 Level of the Empire Mine, we'll take a tour through the Town Too Tough to Die juxtaposing her tellurium and base metal mineralogy with the tawdrier aspects of her history and tourist trade...all based on 45 years of studying both.

SPEAKER:  Dr. Peter K.M. Megaw - “I've been a member of TGMS since 1979 and Exhibits Chair for our Show since 1985. Most of you know me and Mike will probably say I need no introduction, so I will take another opportunity to thank all of you who worked so hard to make our Show a success...especially Kent and the lining crew and Robert and Elaine for case wrangling. They're "retiring" so we need volunteers to step up for next year! Emulate the Pitt family and make it a family affair!

And I would be remiss if I didn't put in a whopping Gracias to Pat and Rose and Tim for everything they do every day for TGMS!!!  Thank our Lucky Stars for them!!

See you Monday the 7th!”

All TGMS Members and Guests (invite a friend) are welcome to attend.

TGMS Members can join via ZOOM by using the TGMS “HUB.” Non TGMS members, if you would like to attend via ZOOM, please contact the TGMS Office, 520-322-5773 or tgms@tgms.org and ask for the link to be sent to you.

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TGMS Micromount Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

TGMS Micromount Meeting

WHEN: Monday, April 14, 2025
DOORS OPEN: 6:30 pm
WHERE: 3727 E. Blacklidge Drive

Looking at “ Carbonates! (i.e. Calcite, Smithsonite, Cerussite, Azurite, Malachite)” - bring your favorites and bring samples for everyone to see.

Bring your equipment and specimens to share, examine, and to learn more about.

TGMS members, please RSVP through the TGMS “HUB.” Non TGMS Members please contact the TGMS Office.

For more information, contact the TGMS office.
Refreshments served.

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TGMS Ed. Class - April 15th
11:00 AM11:00

TGMS Ed. Class - April 15th

  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TGMS Educational Class - Come learn something new!

When: Tuesday, April 15th, 2025
Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Educational Instructor: Bill Shelton
Topic: “Silver and Silver Minerals”

TGMS Members, please use the “HUB” and RSVP for this class. Non TGMS member, please contact the TGMS Office.

Refreshments are served!

If further information is needed, please call the TGMS Office, 520-322-5773 or tgms@tgms.org.

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2025 TGMS Micromount Symposium
10:00 AM10:00

2025 TGMS Micromount Symposium

2025 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®                            

Friday, February 14, 2025

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM     Arthur Roe Memorial Micromount Symposium

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM   Welcome

Symposium Talks are held in the TCC West Meeting Room - 102/103

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM - Lecture by Mr. Matthew Metzler

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM - Lecture by Mr. Patrick E. Haynes

11:45 AM - 12:30 PM - Lecture by Mr. Herwig Pelckmans

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to Feb 16


  • 260 South Church Avenue Tucson, AZ, 85701 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®

FM-TGMS-MSA Symposium: Click Here

Author Roe Micromount Symposium: Click Here

Complete list of Lectures: Click Here

2025 TGMS Show Poster, on sale in the Galleria: Click Here

For a complete list of the 2025 TGMS Dealers: Click Here

For a complete list of the Special Exhibits: Click Here

For a complete list of Guest Exhibits: Click Here

2025 Grand Prize Giveaway, buy a ticket to the TGMS Show and enter the drawing: Click Here

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TGMS Potluck Christmas Party”
1:00 PM13:00

TGMS Potluck Christmas Party”

  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

"The TGMS Potluck Christmas Party”
WHEN:  Sunday, December 15, 2024
WHERE: TGMS facility - 3727 E. Blacklidge Drive
WHAT TIME: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Sign up for this event through the
Come and join in on the fun at a really “GREAT” party!
Good food, fellowship and prizes!
The DEADLINE for signing up is December 12, 2024.

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TGMS MEMBERS ONLY - Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Potluck
4:00 PM16:00

TGMS MEMBERS ONLY - Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Potluck

  • 39371 S. Mountain Shadow Drive Tucson, AZ 85739 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TGMS Members Only - Saturday, August 22, 2024 - Potluck

This event will be hosted by Ortrud and Wolfram Schuh, located at their home, 39371 S. Mountain Shadow Drive, Tucson, Arizona, 85739

TGMS Members please RSVP through the TGMS HUB: LOGIN

For further information on this event call: 520-322-5773 or by sending an email to tgms@tgms.org

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TGMS General Meeting & Lecture
7:00 PM19:00

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

When:  Monday, APRIL 1, 2024

Time:  7:00 p.m. - Tucson, Arizona Time

Lecturer: DAVID K. JOYCE

Lecture Title: Mineral Collecting Trip To Morocco – In 2012, mindat.org, the on-line mineral database, in conjunction with Spirifer Minerals of Poland, organized a mineral collecting trip to Morocco. The trip included numerous field trips before and after a symposium plus many historical, cultural and scenic side trips. Raymond McDougall and David K. Joyce decided to team up to make the trip to Morocco. This presentation will outline the various locations, many classic, that they visited during the trip, the minerals collected and the spectacular and interesting sights they saw.

Speaker: “David K. Joyce” – Has been a mineral collector since he was 12 years old. He left home at 19 years of age to attend the Haileybury School of Mines and upon graduation as an engineering technologist, worked across Canada and the world in the explosives and mining businesses and later worked for mining and engineering contractors. David was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto for eight years, past vice-president of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (CIM), Past President of the Walker Mineralogical Club. David is also is a docent and volunteer at the Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum. He is an avid field collector both in Canada and Arizona.

For those of you who are not able to attend this meeting in person, you can view the lecture via ZOOM.  ALSO, WHEN JOINING, KEEP YOUR MIC MUTED UNTIL ASKED TO UNMUTE.  For TGMS Members, you can obtain the ZOOM link through the TGMS HUB. 

We encourage you to wear your TGMS Member badge at meetings, it will help us to get to know one another. 


General Meetings are open to the public. Non-TGMS Members, contact the TGMS office at 520-322-5773 and/or tgms@tgms.org for the ZOOM link/meeting ID/passcode,

Snacks will be served. 

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TGMS General Meeting & Lecture
7:00 PM19:00

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

When:  Monday, JANUARY 8, 2024

Time:  7:00 p.m. - Tucson, Arizona Time

Lecturer: BRAD ROSS

Lecture Title: "South Dakota Fossil Adventures " - Come along for a virtual fossil-hunting adventure to South Dakota, where we can find fossil remains of dinosaurs, ammonites, and mammals!

Speaker: "Brad Ross" -  Join Dr. Brad Ross, former fossil hunter and dealer from South Dakota, to look at some of the best locations and see some great examples of world-class fossils.

We encourage you to wear your TGMS Member badge at meetings, it will help us to get to know one another.  General Meetings are open to the public.  Snacks will be served.  Masks are optional.

For those of you who are not able to attend this meeting in person, you can view the lecture via ZOOM.  ALSO, WHEN JOINING, KEEP YOUR MIC MUTED UNTIL ASKED TO UNMUTE. 


For the ZOOM link/meeting ID/passcode, contact the TGMS office at 520-322-5773 and/or tgms@tgms.org.

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1:00 PM13:00


  • 2762 North Grannen Road Tucson, AZ, 85745 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who:  For TGMS Members, family and friends

When:  Open House on Sunday, December 17th, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM

(Visit outside anytime from early December to early January)

Where: 2762 N. Grannen Road  (off Grant, near where it becomes Ironwood)

What: Bring snacks (Small fruit or cheese tray, cookies, mini muffins, chips/dip, etc.).  Hosts will provide water and Sodas.

Details: RSVP by noon on Friday, December 15th, please use the TGMS HUB: LOGIN

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TGMS General Meeting & Lecture
6:30 PM18:30

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

  • Tucson Gem and Mineral Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TGMS General Meeting & Lecture

When:  Monday, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

Time:  7:00 p.m. - Tucson, Arizona Time

Lecturer: ERIC FRITZ

Topic: "TURQUOISE; STONE OF MYSTERY, STONE OF INTRIGUE"  - Turquoise has been mined and appreciated for its beauty for over 5000 years. We will explore these origins leading up to modern appreciation and value. The Southwestern United States has a rich history associated with Turquoise and we will look at some of these mines as well as research trying to identify individual mine origins. There will be samples from various mines in the Southwest for you to evaluate origins on your own!

Lecturer:  Eric Fritz -  Eric led the creation of the UA Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum. Prior to this role, he was Manager-North America for Gem-A, the Gemmological Association of Great Britain, holding both colored stone and diamond designations. Lab instruction, seminars and workshops continue to be provided to students and the gem and jewelry industry. Eric has a degree in Zoology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Zoology degree leads to a passion for pearls and other organic gem materials, which are Eric’s specialty.  

We encourage you to wear you TGMS Member badge at meetings, it will help us to get to know one another. General Meetings are open to the public.  Snacks will be served.  Masks are optional.

For those of you who are not able to attend this meeting in person, you can view the lecture via ZOOM.  ALSO, WHEN JOINING, KEEP YOUR MIC MUTED UNTIL ASKED TO UNMUTE. 


For the ZOOM link/meeting ID/passcode, contact the TGMS office at 520-322-5773 and/or tgms@tgms.org.

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Arizona Science Lecture Series | 2022
to Apr 7

Arizona Science Lecture Series | 2022

  • University of Arizona - Centennial Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Arizona Science Lecture Series | 2022

In the 17th annual College of Science Lecture Series, our distinguished faculty will lead the audience on a journey through minerals, the building blocks of the solar system, earth, and civilization. Live from Centennial Hall, explore the origins of minerals, the stories they tell, and the future of critical minerals in society. They will lay the foundations for understanding minerals all around us -- from the origins of mankind to their vital function in our daily lives.

Attending The Series: The lectures are free and open to the public. Doors open at 6:00 pm; the presentations will begin at 7:00 pm and last approximately one hour. For the safety of all attendees, face masks are required inside Centennial Hall. Click here for campus COVID policies. Centennial Hall performs bag checks prior to entering. Bags larger than 12" x 6" x 12" are not permitted. Click here for additional security information. Parking is available in the Tyndall Avenue Garage and 6th Street Garage on a pay-per-use basis or for free with Main Gate Square merchant validation.

Here is the link for this series of lectures on ‘MINERALS”: https://science.arizona.edu/community-engagement/public/arizona-science-lecture-series

Here is the link to the YouTube site: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9drMDIlOBG0

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to Apr 18


  • Google Calendar ICS
Screenshot 2021-02-01 113652.jpg

New for 2021 is the virtual show, TheRock.show. TheRock.show team's goal was to build a virtual analog of the greater mineral/gem/fossil show community ... a virtual Tucson experience during these extraordinary times. TheRock.show platform itself was developed by an international team of developers, headed up by Jolyon Ralph, founder of mindat.org.

TheRock.show, is a virtual mineral, gem, fossil and lapidary show, and is opened to the public from Saturday, April 10 through Sunday, April 18, 2021. The site is totally free for anyone to roam around and explore. However, if you want to participate in a Live Chat and inquire about items for sale, you will have to register.

The Tucson Gem and Mineral Society (use this link to go to our virtual booth:
https://therock.show/room/2/58/114/) is participating in this event along with numerous other educational organizations, university museums, publishers and dealers (wholesale and retail). It is providing a wonderful opportunity to still enjoy the January/February mineral, gem, fossil and lapidary events.

Please take some time to enjoy this exciting new venue by using this link: https://therock.show/.

Use this video link to What's Hot in Tucson 2021 - TheRock.show and Mary Fong/Walker will explain why this venue was launched and, it also explains how to explore the platform with a live demonstration.

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 Tucson Festival of Books- CANCELLED
to Mar 7

Tucson Festival of Books- CANCELLED

  • Tucson Gem and Mineral Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



The 2021 Tucson Festival of Books (TFOB) will be completely virtual March 6-7, 2021.  Events will include free, live author sessions for kids and adults, and there will be some sessions available on demand.  This year's TFOB in March was canceled due to the coronavirus, and organizers say it's best to avoid big crowds again next year.

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to Feb 7


  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AGTA Announces Cancellation of

2021 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson


DALLAS, TX (December 1, 2020) - The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) announced today the cancellation of the 2021 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson. “We have worked hand-in-hand with the many show producers in Tucson, and the Pima County Health Department to develop a show that could be safe and conscientious,” said Douglas K. Hucker, AGTA CEO, “unfortunately, with the trajectory of the spread of the coronavirus, the requirements we would need to meet to produce the show, and the health risks associated with a gathering of this size have made the GemFair 2021 untenable and Pima County Health Department has chosen to deny our application for the event.” The cancellation of GemFair, one of the anchors of the Tucson Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Showcase, follows the recent cancellations of the Gem and Jewelry Exchange Show (GJX) and the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® (TGMS). 2021 would have been the 39th AGTA GemFair™ Tucson show.

“GemFair Tucson has always been a bedrock of our organization,” shared Ruben Bindra, AGTA President, “it has provided our members with an unparalleled opportunity for commerce and has evolved over the years into an unmatched event that has brought us together each year with all of our friends and family that share our passion for colored gems and cultured pearls. This is a heart-breaking decision, but one that was made in the best interest of all of our attendees.”

“While times are certainly strange right now, it’s important that AGTA works to find new ways to facilitate trade for our members and buyers,” said Hucker. He continued, “ whether that be through virtual tradeshows, educational seminars, social media outreach, or online special events, the AGTA will be here to provide those services until we can all meet again in person.” The next AGTA GemFair™ is scheduled for Las Vegas in June 2021, with final dates to be confirmed. The dates for the 2022 AGTA GemFair™ are February 1 – 6, 2022.

The American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) is an association of United States and Canadian trade professionals dedicated to promoting the long-term stability and integrity of the natural colored gemstone and cultured pearl industries. The Association pursues its goals through the combined use of educational programs, publicity, industry events, government and industry relations, and printed materials for both the trade and consumer. The AGTA is well-known in the gemstone and jewelry industries for maintaining the highest ethical standards.

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 64th annual Gila County Gem and Mineral Show - Cancelled!
to Jan 17

64th annual Gila County Gem and Mineral Show - Cancelled!

  • 3727 E Blacklidge Dr Tucson, AZ, 85716 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AZ/NV Clubs and RMFMS,

It is with great sadness that I must inform you that the January, 2021 Gila County Gem and Mineral Show will be canceled.  It was discussed during our recent business meeting that with the resurgence of COVID we could not in good conscience expose anyone unnecessarily.

We hope that we can reschedule our 64th annual show sometime during the next year.

Thank you all for the support you have given us and we hope to continue educating the community about gems, minerals, fossils and geology.

Please pass this on to your members and any clubs I may not have on my list. 

Jodi Brewster



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