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#1 & 2 Reports From Munich - 2015

Report on Munich 2015 - TGMS Roving Reporter, Paul Harter

DAY 1!!! 

Munich 2015 is here!  The anticipation of foreign travel makes this trip special.  We left Phoenix on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. and arrived at our hotel on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m.  This includes a nine hour time change.  We picked up Evan Jones, Jeff Scovil and Mark Miterman along the way.  Great to walk around the Marienplatz, a vibrant area.  All the high end stores are present.   No minerals today, but great history!

Today's picture is of the upper church at Burgersaalkirche.  This is the church of Pater Rupert Mayer SJ.  A Chaplin for the German army in WWI and later an outspoken critic of the Hitler regime.

Tuesday is a train trip to Oberammergau and then minerals on Wednesday.

Paul S. Harter





DAY 2!!  

Much like Tucson, when waiting for the Show to begin, we are just tourists.  The joy we have with a day trip in Munich is just like our guests experience when they drive to Bisbee or some other locality.   Today we picked up the Presmyks, Corey and Gloria Staebler.  We had a delightful day trip to Oberammergau.   Attached is a picture of a painted house.   Lots of carvings and a magnificent rococo church from 1750.  The wood carvings are painted in gold.

Back to Munich for a traditional Bavarian meal and we see John V., Joan K., Jesse F. and Marie and Terry H.  A wonderful meal and good beer.  Tomorrow you will have a report from the show.

So long for today!

Paul Harter