2017 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®
"Mineral Treasures of the Midwest"
WHEN: February 9 - 12, 2017
HOURS: Thursday thru Saturday: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Sunday: 10:00am to 5:00pm
The 2017 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® will continue to host the successful MicroMineral Room for the full four days of the Show on the Galleria Level. In conjunction with the Arthur Roe Micromount Symposium, the MicroMineral Room will be open throughout the show as a meeting place for micromineral collectors. The room will feature tables and chairs, microscopes, an area stocked with give-away minerals, and an area with microminerals for sale. We encourage collectors to stop by to visit, relax, talk about microminerals, trade specimens, and make new friends in the hobby.
An area out front in the Galleria will be used for education so we can show the micromineral hobby to others and explain what our particular interest in mineralogy is all about.
You are encouraged to donate appropriate give-away material if you can. The give-away area will be replenished each day. The room will close during the Arthur Roe Symposium and reopen immediately after.
For more information, contact TGMS at (520) 322-5773 or tgms@tgms.org.